The idea for creating an historical archive for Framlingham was conceived in 2008, and is now incorporated in The Framlingham and District Local History and Preservation Society. The aim of the Archive is to initially develop the photo website Fram on Film, and with time, to include further material for people who are interested in historical aspects of the town – an example would be the James Breese Collection. This collection, which would not usually be accessible, contains over 4,200 bills and receipts for businesses and activities in the town, which span the period from 1882 to 1957. Typical examples will portray the costs and manner of trading in years gone by.
The archive material and content has mainly been developed by Amanda Cornwell, John Bridges and Tony Moore, while the website was originally constructed by Simon Appleby and designed by Barnie Mills, and has been rehosted and redesigned by Simon Garrett.
The Historical Archive is for educational and research purposes, and the material, which is of low resolution, is not to be used for any commercial application.

Several of the photos are copies of the original, or are from postcards, of which many were produced, which can make it difficult to attribute specific ownership. For that reason, we simply list below those people who have generously lent material to be used in the photo archive. We are grateful to the following:
Michael Ashwell, Dorothy Balls, John Banthorpe, George and Peter Berry, Jane Bloom, Chris Browning, David Boulton, John Bridges, Olwyn Bridges, Patricia Brown, Andrew Bullingham, Bill Bulstrode, Ray Card, John Carr, Hilary Clemence-Mann, Lesley Clouting, Dennis Dewsbury, John Durrant, Evelyn Empson, John and Linda Fiske, Bill Flemming, Jo Gregory, John Hibberd (Thomas Mills High School), Keren Hancox, Malcom Holmes, Barbara Holt, Tim Hopes, Diana Howard, Maurice Hunt, Andy Kerridge, Barbara Knell, Gill Knights, Linda Last, Ian McLeish, Lanman Museum, Simon Last, Tony Martin, Simon Merrin, Tony Moore, Mrs Mutimer, the late Arthur Newson, the late Jim Nunn, Pamela Ormondroyd, Reverend Graham Owen, Dudley Page, Margaret Parker, Allan Potter, Eddie Quelch, Bob Roberts, Phillip Rogers, Gordon Scotchmer, Mary Smith, Ann Symonds, Chris Turner, Richard Tyson, Syd Vice, Chris Wells.